This  mini-unit is a way for you to introduce yourself to the teacher and to your classmates. These activities will also introduce you to some of the activities we will be engaging in this school year. It will also be a way for your teacher to learn your writing level and determine the best way to help the class succeed in this course.
You will compose a biographical poem based on the criteria listed below. Be as personal and creative as you want. Feel free to add any visual elements you want.
Biographical Poem:
Line 1: First Name
Line 2: Four descriptive traits
Line 3: Sibling of...
Line 4: Lover of
Line 5: Who fears...
Line 6: Who needs...
Line 7: Who gives...
Line 8: Who would like to see...
Line 9: Resident of...
Line 10: Last Name
For this activity, you will write a well-organized opinion paragraph from the list below. You can agree or disagree with the statements provided. Support your opinion by providing and explaining at least three pieces of evidence. You can write in the first person but make sure you use proper form and punctuation.
Phones are a distraction in class and should be banned from the classroom.
Junk food should be banned from schools.
The driving age should be raised to 18.
PE should be compulsory every year of high school.
Animal testing should be banned.
All athletes should be drug tested.
Marketing and advertising to children is ethical.
People under the age of 20 should not be allowed to play tackle football, hockey, or any other full contact sports that can easily lead to concussions.
Grades should be eliminated.
Violent video games should be banned.
Harry Potter is the best children book series.
Pineapple should never be served on pizza.
For this activity, you will write a letter of introduction to your teacher. Using proper form and punctuation, use the first paragraph to tell me about your life, achievements, interests, and previous school experience. In the second paragraph tell me about your plans and goals for the current school year. In the final paragraph describe your plans and goals for your academic future and beyond.
We will discuss the form of a formal letter in class. Here is a great page for help with formatting your letter:
You will introduce yourself to the class in a short three-minute presentation. Tell the class about yourself, your interests, hobbies, family, achievements, or your favourite books. Feel free to use any visual aids that you feel will add to your presentation. During class time, we will watch a few famous speeches (feel free to suggest some great speeches) and develop criteria for a successful oral presentation. This criterion will be used to evaluate your presentaions.
To get you started, here are some examples of great speeches from the past: